
Showing posts from September 8, 2024

Copyright Infringement, Harassment and HRV: A theory of Allegory beyond Walter Benjamin andPaul de Man

I refer to the article posted below. You have no right to publish this article about a theory that's copyrighted on my blog and facebook page in 2009 without asking for my permission. Mine is titled a theory of allegorical names and not Volume 77 vs 07/07 The 07/07 is my date of birth and my theory of allegorical names is based on my family's personal information and my dreams you can't use it. My company information is copyrighted and can't be copyrighted again. You have no permission and no copyright. "A Theory of Allegory beyond Walter Benjamin and Paul de Man; with Some Remarks on Allegory and Memory: The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory: Vol 77 , No 2 - Get Access" This is stolen information from my social networks. This article only says Allegory where does it say theory. I'm the one who came up with the wording 'A theory of allegorical names', before it